ATTENTION! This Archive Webpage is an ancillary site to the Pilgrim Congregational Church of Duluth history webpage and is not maintained by the church. Please contact Mike Zlonis ( if you have questions. See the official Pilgrim website, Pilgrim Congregational Church, Duluth, Minnesota

The information visible for each file on opened pages is searchable.

Pilgrim's Settled Ministers

Audio Recordings


Sunday Bulletins


Annual Reports



Archival material on a broad range of subjects can be accessed through this link.



This link contains scrapbooks and individual items of scrapbook type material which, for a variety of reasons, was saved and ended up in the Pilgrim Archives.

Most of the material relates in some way to Pilgrim Church, its members or the community in general.

Pilgrim News

Pilgrim News, predecessor and related newsletters

A Brief History of Pilgrim Congregational Church

Building in the Promised Land

An Annotated Plan of the First Floor

An Annotated Plan of the First Floor with Additional Notes

Noble Elderkin Comes to Pilgrim Church

Brief Notes on Pilgrim's Named Funds

1929-30 Women's Assembly Annual Report

1929 Pilgrim Women's Assembly Cookbook: Pilgrim Recipes

Royal Shepard: Manifesto for the New Liberal Church